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Scientific diving - Dr. Nathan B. Spindel and Dr. Diana Lopez
Upwelling impacts on ecophysiology of sea urchins, macroalgae, and corals in the Tropical Eastern Pacific
Academy of Underwater Arts and Sciences Zale Parry Scholarship
Awards gala in Las Vegas 2018
Macroalgal and coral photosynthetic performance - Dr. Diana Lopez and Dr. Nathan B. Spindel
Diving Pulse Amplitude Modulated Flourometer. Photo by Ana Endara, Smithsonian Institute
Diadema mexicanum - Dr. Nathan B. Spindel. Photo by Ana Endara, Smithsonian Institute
Underwater shaka - Dr. Nathan B. Spindel
Drysuit SCUBA diving in Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve and Haida Heritage Site
Lipid extraction - Dr. Nathan B. Spindel
Transesterification of fatty acids in preparation for gas chromatograph - mass spectrometer analysis
SCUBA based ecological monitoring - Dr. Nathan B. Spindel and Lindsey Chaimberlain
Scientific diving for San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Mitigation Monitoring
Scientific diving in Haida Gwaii - Dr. Dan Okamoto and Dr. Nathan B. Spindel
benthic surveys on Chiix̱uu Tll iinasdll: Nurturing Seafood to Grow
Tissue sampling - Dr. Aaron Galloway, Dr. Dan Okamoto, Dr. Nathan B. Spindel
Macroalgal samples in Haida Gwaii for fatty acid analysis.
Tissue sampling - Dr. Lynn Lee, Dr. Nathan B. Spindel, Dr. Emily Adamczyk
Abalone tissue sampling in Haida Gwaii for fatty acid analysis
Abalone tagging
mark-recapture of Northern Abalone, Haliotis kamtschatkana in Haida Gwaii
Sea urchin respirometry - Dr. Nathan B. Spindel
diet experiments at the Hakai Institute on Quadra Island BC, Canada
Sea urchin respirometry - Dr. Nathan B. Spindel
Mesocentrotus franciscanus at the Hakai Institute on Quadra Island BC, Canada
Macroalgae for diet experiments - Dr. Nathan B. Spindel
sea urchin energetics at the Hakai Institute on Quadra Island BC, Canada
Multistressor mesocosm array - Dr. Nathan B. Spindel
experimental setup for manipulation of temperature, dissolved oxygen, and pCO2 at Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
Setup of diet experiments - Dr. Nathan B. Spindel
effects of diet and starvation on sea urchin energetics
Setup of diet experiments - Dr. Nathan B. Spindel
Scientific diving - Dr. Nathan B. Spindel
coralline algal sample collection in Moorea, French Polynesia
Scientific diving - Dr. Nathan B. Spindel
Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve, National Marine Conservation Area Reserve, and Haida Heritage Site
Abalone tagging - Dr. Dan Okamoto and Dr. Nathan B. Spindel
mark-recapture of Northern Abalone, Haliotis kamtschatkana
Scientific diving - Dr. Nathan B. Spindel
benthic surveys amidst Atlantic Spadefish
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