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In review

“Thermal suppression of gametogenesis explains historical collapses in larval recruitment.”. Okamoto D.K., Spindel N.B., Collicutt B., Mustermann M., Karelitz S., Gimenez I., Rolheiser K., Cronmiller E., Foss M., Mahara N., Swezey D., Ferraro R., Rogers-Bennett L., and Schroeter S.

In preparation

  • “Consumer resilience suppresses the recovery of overgrazed ecosystems.”. Spindel N.B., Galloway A.W.E, Schram J. B., Pontier O., Lee L.C., Okamoto D.K.

  • “Contemporary ocean acidification and marine heatwaves shape energetics and rates of herbivory in a dominant ecosystem engineer”. Spindel N.B., Munstermann M.M., Karelitz S., Collicutt B., Rolheiser K., Mahara N., Gimenez I., Evans W., Cronmiller E., Foss M., Pontier O., Rogers-Bennet L., Okamoto D.K.

  • “Biomarkers of recovery: a case study of how primary consumers assimilate and partition enhanced nutrition following kelp forest restoration”. Spindel N.B., Galloway A.W.E, Schram J. B., Lee L.C., Okamoto D.K.



  1. Spindel, N. B. Ecophysiology of Ectothermic Ecosystem Engineers: Bioenergetic Effects of Climate and Food on Dominant Consumers and Their Consequences for Coastal Ecosystems, The Florida State University, (2023).


  1. McCoy S.J., Pueschel C.M., Cornwall C.E., Comeau S., Kranz S.A., Spindel N.B., Borowitzka M.A. Calcification in the Coralline Red Algae: A Synthesis. Phycologia. 2023.  62, 648-666, DOI:10.1080/00318884.2023.2285673.


  1. Spindel N.B., Lee L, Okamoto D. Metabolic depression in sea urchin barrens associated with food deprivation. Ecology. 2021 August 25; 102(11). Available from: DOI: 10.1002/ecy.3463.

  2. Lee L, Daniel McNeill G, Ridings P, Featherstone M, Okamoto D, Spindel N.B., Galloway A,Saunders G, Adamczyk E, Reshitnyk L, Pontier O, Post M, Irvine R, Wilson G, Bellis S.Chiixuu Tll iinasdll: Indigenous Ethics and Values Lead to Ecological Restoration for People and Place in Gwaii Haanas. Ecological Restoration. 2021 June 07; 39(1-2):45-51. Available from: DOI: 10.3368/er.39.1-2.45

  3. Elias M, Kandel M, Mansourian S, Meinzen‐Dick R, Crossland M, Joshi D, Kariuki J, Lee L, McElwee P, Sen A, Sigman E, Singh R, Adamczyk E, Addoah T, Agaba G, Alare R, Anderson W, Arulingam I, Bellis S, Birner R, De Silva S, Dubois M, Duraisami M, Featherstone M, Gallant B, Hakhu A, Irvine R, Kiura E, Magaju C, McDougall C, McNeill G, Nagendra H, Nghi T, Okamoto D, Paez Valencia A, Pagella T, Pontier O, Post M, Saunders G, Schreckenberg K, Shelar K, Sinclair F, Gautam R, Spindel N.B., Unnikrishnan H, Wilson G, Winowiecki L. Ten people‐centered rules for socially sustainable ecosystem restoration. Restoration Ecology. 2021 November 23; 30(4):-. Available from: DOI: 10.1111/rec.13574


  1. Comeau S, Edmunds P, Spindel N.B., Carpenter R. Diel pCO2 oscillations modulate the response of the coral Acropora hyacinthus to ocean acidification. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2014 March 31; 501:99-111. Available from: DOI: 10.3354/

  2. Comeau S, Edmunds P, Spindel N.B., Carpenter R. Fast coral reef calcifiers are more sensitiveto ocean acidification in short-term laboratory incubations. Limnology and Oceanography. 2014 May; 59(3):1081-1091. Available from:


  1. Comeau S, Edmunds P, Spindel N.B., Carpenter R. The responses of eight coral reef calcifiers to increasing partial pressure of CO 2 do not exhibit a tipping point. Limnology and Oceanography. 2013 January; 58(1):388-398. Available from: DOI: 10.4319/lo.2013.58.1.0388

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